Miners fury over laws for ‘nature’

The mining sector is up in arms about Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s “nature positive plan” with claims it will derail mining projects and halt the government’s own clean energy revolution. Ms Plibersek is seeking to push changes in Australia’s environment protection laws, as part of the government’s nature positive plan.

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Guests were treated to a horse show with riders carrying the Australian and company flags

Gina Rinehart’s life-changing act of kindness to dozens of staff members: Mining magnate’s extraordinary act at 70th birthday party

Gina Rinehart gave away $100,000 tax-free raffle prizes to dozens of her staff at recent company parties – as an insider lifts the lid on her lavish 70th birthday bash. ‘It’s like a station hand who works in rural Queensland who wins 100 grand after tax, like a crazy, life-changing thing to happen,’ one company insider revealed to Daily Mail Australia. Guests were treated to a horse show with riders carrying the Australian and company flags along the red carpet. The riders carried whips and were dressed in iconic coat-maker Driza-Bone, which Mrs Rinehart bought last year.

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Inside Gina Rinehart’s star-studded 70th birthday

‘Many attended wearing their Rossi boots, and enjoyed a horse show backed by the fantastic Aussie music, “The man from snowy river'” with riders accordingly also dressed in iconic Driza-Bone, and Rossi boots, carrying large Australian and company flags,’. It added: ‘The event was greatly enjoyed by all, with very positive comments by staff who attended, including, “the best night of my life”.’

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